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VirtualBoss Features:
Work Order Management
Job Management
Contact Management
Punch List Management
Stop Payment Management
Screenshots & Printed Reports
Gantt Charts

Remote VirtualBoss

Stop Payment Management

With VirtualBoss you and/or your accountant will not forget what you want done before payments are made. With VirtualBoss you will have reports that will tell you exactly what is not done that should be done. You can print a to-do list for any subcontractor. To do lists can be filtered down to what should be complete that is not complete. When it is time to write a check to a subcontractor you can run this report and be able to give good reason (documented in writing) for not paying or back-charging or holding pay. Once you determine you want to hold pay for somebody, send work orders instead of a check. Sending work orders instead of a check lets a subcontractor know you are serious about getting the job done.

If you do not use VirtualBoss to stop payments you can use it when sending out checks to update subcontractors as to what needs to be done.

When you hand a subcontractor their check with a list of things that should have been done and ask, "can you have these items done before the next check is written?" They will almost always answer yes. It is remarkable just how fast the outstanding to-do list disappears.

VirtualBoss also tracks insurance and workers' compensation expiration dates. As a contractor, you know how much work is involved with tracking and making sure your subs have up-to-date insurance and workers' compensation. Building contractors that properly track insurance and workers' compensation spend a lot of time sorting, filing, and looking up things that VirtualBoss can for you. Most contractors do not do a good job tracking this sort of thing. Being able to show to your sales prospects that you have a system for ensuring that your subcontractors have proper insurance can really make you shine next to your competition.

Prevent unnecessary losses due to improper insurance, use your system as a sales tool, and use your #1 asset (you hold and write the checks) to get the job done. The contracting industry is going to change quickly. Be on the wave and stop wasting time doing things the old way. Make your company look professional and give yourself a real edge over your competition.

When you give a list of what still needs to be finished instead of handing over a check, it leaves little room for questions.

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Last modified: January 26, 2021