Punch List Management
VirtualBoss allows you to keep on top of everything that
needs to be done on every job site. VirtualBoss does more than just schedule
your jobs. When you decide something additional needs to be done it is not a
problem. You can add punch list items fast. When you need know what needs to be
done VirtualBoss gives you the list. VirtualBoss gives you a place to
consistently put your to-do items. You will be able to print work orders for
what needs to be done at any time. Your list can be for just one person, one
job, or everybody on all jobs. Customers and subcontractors are always happy to
see the job site supervisor organized and aware of what work is remaining. There
is no easier way to organize your endless pile of to do notes. Now you can put
them all in 1 database.
(click on the image for full size picture)
(click on the image for full size picture)
As you review the VirtualBoss Task List you can print or fax work orders as
necessary to get all the loose ends pulled together at the end of a job. Not
only does printing and faxing work orders help you finish the job smoother and
more efficiently, it communicates to your valued customer that you are on top of
things. Just like all work orders printed by VirtualBoss, faxed work orders
include the names and phone numbers of the people doing the work, job numbers,
lot numbers, addresses, lock box combinations, directions to job site, customer
names, customer phone numbers, and any special job site instructions. It leaves
little room for questioning what, where, or when.
When a customer gives you a pre-move-in punch list, VirtualBoss will help you
maintain this list and will print or fax the necessary work orders in no time.
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Last modified:
January 26, 2021